Industry Leaders
Build, Solve, Evolve.

Professional and Expert Engineers & Consultants
VOLTSON ENGINEERING & CONSULTING LIMITED is an indigenous limited liability company with head office located at Kilometer 4, Refinery Road, Ekpan-Warri, Delta State, Nigeria. It has vast experience in the area of Engineering, Procurement & Construction (EPC); design, installation, commissioning & maintenance.
Our employees bring a disciplined, strategic approach to these services and for continuous improvement in compliance and performance.
- Certified Company
- Satisfaction Guaranteed
- Return on Value
- Excellent Support
What We Offer
Voltson Engineering and Consulting Limited (VECL) is a quality management service provider plus human capital (manpower) solution provider – local and expatriate. VECL has vast resources of highly skilled and dedicated professionals (project managers, engineers, technicians and trainers) who with their varied experience worldwide provide tailor-made solutions to the needs of the clients. To ensure the best quality service as well as keep up with international standards, we draw our resources, both human and material from domestic and foreign sources. Our commitment is to continually improve our processes to exceed client expectation whilst growing our Nigerian technical capacity.
Our Mission
To be a leading organization in our chosen industry by constantly seeking opportunities for which our capabilities create superior value.
Our Vision
Our mission is to have every employee contribute to the long term health of the company by living out our value daily adhering to safe and technically sound practice and delivering what we promise in prompt, reliable and cost effective manner.
Our Commitment
Our commitment is to continually improve our processes to exceed client expectation whilst growing our technical capacity.
Quality Assurance Policy
It is our policy and primary objective to work satisfactorily to meet our customer or client’s requirements by consistently working to customer or client’s specifications and standards.
The quality of our jobs will not only meet the customer or client’s satisfaction but will stand the test of time.
Our ultimate goal will be a continuous improvement towards the target of ERROR-FREE work to avoid reworking / reject with its attendant extra cost and time.
We will always:
Meet the standards.
Act responsibly.
Work together by sharing blame and information.
Make joint decisions to ensure the desired satisfaction.
At Voltson, each manager and supervisor has a part to play in the enhanced CASHES management system by exhibiting good example and reacting promptly and effectively against negative attitudes.
This is the customer or client’s quality assurance policy of the company and it forms the basis for our operations in the future.
Our Expert Team
Voltson Engineering & Consulting Limited team of professionals has years of experience in providing expert services in the Electrical Engineering field